change of focus…

I have been back in Seattle now for a few weeks. Originally I planned to use this blog to write about my trip to India. Now that I am back, I think that I would like to use it for a semi-personal diary to record everything that I do.

I am still sick. I went to the doctor on Friday to get a prescription which was to follow a positive test that the hospital gave me for some kind of flagella. I am taking an antibiotic called metronidazole (500mg 3/day) because I have had stomach problems continually since returning from India. Today is the first day that I have had real improvement. How nice it is to treat problems with the correct tools.

I am currently in the midst of a lot of business and it all needs to be done nearly simultaneously. I am living with family of Lee’s in Bellevue, rent paid as I am able, but I cannot stay here forever. It is a big place and I am not rushed, though. I am seeking a job and have sent my resume to at least forty places and probably will send it to as many more within the next few weeks whether I get a job or not. I have an interview in some kind of chemical testing facility this week. I really am ready to have income.

I have some nasty scars on my neck from a medical study I volunteered for right before I left for India. About thirty others also have similar scars, and this was not part of the consent. I am going to agitate for compensation by organizing everyone.

I need to take the general GRE and the chemistry GRE. I am looking to do this before November so I need to begin studying. I can take them both at any one of a number of computer testing centers on almost any day I like. I want to get in good study, about four weeks worth, first though.

I need to apply for graduate school. I am going to look at schools on the East Coast. Jessica and Emily are both going to the same school starting this September. It is in England, and Emily says that it is a coincidence that they both are in the same place. They will both have master’s degrees after one year of starting and they can have their doctorates in another three years. It sounds fast and easy. I will also look into school in Europe and Australia.

I need to keep up with my Hindi. Already I am forgetting a lot of what I learned. Nandan will help me study. His appointment to have his internet connected is on August 20. It takes surprisingly long.

I need to establish a personal website. I am working on a website for Nandan as practice. It is up but I do not want to link to it here on this blog yet because it is not done.

I need to settle my business with the ULC.

I need to talk to Jeff about the aftermath of his chocolate factory.

I need to see if I can salvage Sarahjane as accompaniment for my next trip to Asia.

I need to gain some weight and exercise more. This has to come as my health improves, of course.

going to Nepal…

I have to go to Nepal to renew my visa. It expires on June 7 and my flight out is on July 2.

Nandan has recommended that I go by AC bus. He will take me to the bus station tonight and if we can find such a bus to Sunali, the city on the border, then I will take it.

There is a conference at Biotech Park Lucknow on June 8-9. If I can get my visa renewed and be back in time for that then I will hurry back. If I cannot return in time then I will take a few days to chill in Kathmandu.

purpose of this blog

This is Lane Rasberry's personal blog. None of the information on this blog is private, but it is personal and I have not written it with the intent to make it of public general interest. Anyone visiting this site has my permission to use anything they find here for friendly, share-alike purposes.