moved in, life resumes…

I am fortunate to be a person who never has problems. I have been in Seattle for a few months since returning from overseas, and just now I am in an apartment in University District where I belong. I sort of regret not having been focused enough on my measurable goals in the past few weeks due to living elsewhere and spending time commuting, but I certainly am better for it in some ways because the long bus rides gave me a lot of time to study and read.

Now that I have been living in a stable home for a few weeks I have begun to spread out my work and get out of a traveling state of mind. I have years of paperwork that I want to destroy after scanning and keeping on my computer. I have kept notes for too long. I have looked over all my records periodically, and I am glad that I kept them, but I am gladder still to have time to put them online now.

My talks with Nandan are going well. I am excited about starting a business and a non-profit organization with him. These two will be lightly related. The business will be a north-Indian research group, which will start doing social and market research and later do some light clinical work. The non-profit will be an HIV education center in Benares. Nandan tells me that he just got broadband and is in the process of installing wireless in his home. I am happy to hear this – his guesthouse business will be successful. I really want to get the websites up before the new year.

I am thinking a lot about the GRE. I will have no problem with the general exam but I need at least twenty hours of study to prepare for the chemistry exam, if I need to take it, and I probably will.

I need a new job soon. The medical survey job is good because it lets me work odd hours but I need more money now that I have my own place with Lee.

purpose of this blog

This is Lane Rasberry's personal blog. None of the information on this blog is private, but it is personal and I have not written it with the intent to make it of public general interest. Anyone visiting this site has my permission to use anything they find here for friendly, share-alike purposes.