first time back to Benares

In Benares I met with Attila and Dora who have founded Chance India and Allen who is doing his PhD work on the means by which tabla are produced in Benares. They all seem like good people to me. I hope that I get to work with all of them. It is nice to be with Nandan’s family again.

visit to Lucknow

Nandan and I left our Mumbai friends and flew to Lucknow. We visited Imam Bara and the residency and the haunted house as before but all this was just a backdrop for planning our next moves. At Imam Bara we paid for a tour and were charged triple the price we were supposed to pay, plus the tour guides were rude and had no information about the sites – they simply made up information. There was a strange tension at the site. The Indian Archaeological Society manages the palace complex but the ticketing and tour presentation is contracted out to some NGO. There are some IAS managers on the site who do not like this NGO as well they should not because of their incompetence. At the entrance to the complex some IAS officers asked me if I would return after the tour to give comments. After the tour they asked me to write a complaint to Lucknow’s district magistrate and make a notation for my letter to be copied to some other entities. I wrote a two page complaint and they seemed grateful for this. Imam Bara is a treasure and I hope that service there improves.

We went to the Residency and saw corruption again. The situation is that IAS prints tickets at a counter and after purchase these tickets are to be carried to the gate where a collector tears the ticket and keeps a stub. At the counter the collector sold me a ticket which had already been torn, which meant that he was keeping my admission fee and not reporting that I bought a ticket. Nandan was angry about this and we talked about taking some action, but then he said that he should not do anything because if he makes any trouble then it could happen that his tourist guide license would not be renewed.

We went to Mayawati’s Ambedkar park. All over Lucknow there are pictures of Mayawati and huge billboards listing her accomplishments. Her election is next year. At the Ambedkar park she has built statues of herself standing with Ambedkar. I asked Nandan if it was considered presumptuous to build a statue of oneself and inaugurate it oneself and he said of course it is. I asked him if he thought Mayawati knew this and he said that probably she does not. I asked him if he thought that Mayawati thought she was a good person and he said that he expected that she did. The park was entirely covered in marble and shoddy workmanship. She had purchased so much marble that none was available for other building projects and the state high court had to put a quota on this park’s marble consumption. To me the park seemed to have a bad design. It is a series of paths which intertwine. There is neither privacy nor shade nor comfortable places to sit; it seems that visitors are just supposed to walk for miles down twisting paths built in open areas, with nothing to see in particular. There are statues of elephants (her political party symbol) everywhere but they are all the same and are not artistically designed. There is also a colonnade of statues of famous Dalit leaders but these are lined against a road for cars so I think they can only be identified by people who are driving into the park. Much of the grouting on the stonework is half done and much of the concrete seems cheap also. Not everything was finished so I did not see the interior of the main building but something which struck me as especially unusual was that in this park complex there was no fairground or stage or any place designed for groups of people to meet together. There are no restrooms or places for people to get water or food or rest in the shade. There are a few trees but not many. There are electric lights everywhere but I got the impression that these were added to demonstrate the ability to display lights at night and not because the general public was welcome to visit the park at night. While we were there Nandan translated for me when he overheard some visitor saying, “This park looks like something from another country!” He was smiling because he knew my thought – there is no place on earth where something like this could be built except for India.

I met this boy on the street one morning when I was out for a walk. I generally wake up before Nandan does. He was shy and told me not to tell anyone his name, but he told me that he was under some stress for being gay. He is about 28 and lives with his family as most people do for their whole lives, but him explaining his family stress made me realize how hard it can be to make a lifestyle choice against societal and familial disapproval. I took him back to the hotel and introduced him to Nandan and I hope I can stay in touch with him.

visit to Pune

Mantu told me that we were going to Lonovala, which is some kind of retreat town near Mumbai but of higher altitude. We took a train there and at some point in the train ride we were able to look outside the window and see the city below us. In Lonovala we visited cliffsides, some of which seemed to have friendly downward grades but there were no trails and there was no established hiking or camping culture that I could see. It seemed a shame to me because the air was fresh, there were dams around holding water that was clear and which seemed to be clean enough. None of our crew knew how to swim except me and I did not want to swim alone, so there was no swimming this time.

I was seeing signs near highway onramps which said Pune and Mumbai but I had no idea how far Pune was from Mumbai. Pune was in fact close to us and Mantu declared that we must visit Pune. The only thing I knew about Pune was that Osho’s ashram was there. We did visit the entrance to that ashram but were not allowed in because they require new visitors to come at a certain time to take an HIV test before being allowed to mingle with the other people doing meditation. What really impressed me was the infotech park, which was huge and alien. All of the major software companies have office complexes here and the architecture is modern and experimental. I know the Microsoft campus in Seattle and this place dwarfs that one. One of our crew was an application developer and he was telling me that most of the workers here do application only and not software development. I wonder when it will come to pass that one of these megacorporations decides to compete with Western interests and use their talented staff to make software instead of just complimentary programs for Western software. I think that when the work is able to be well-managed America will have insurmountable competition.

After visiting the infopark we went to Onkar’s family’s house. Mantu does film production work with this family. Onkar’s father produced the “gut” of a musk deer, and althought I had never seen one after I smelled it on his direction I immediately guessed what it was that I was holding. I asked him how he got it and he said that he got it 15 years ago and had been keeping it in his wardrobe to scent his clothes. I hope I never forget the smell; I wanted to keep breathing it. It was sweet and pleasant and not describable in any words which I know. He asked me what I thought such an object would cost today and I guessed USD 15,000. He told me that when he bought it he paid USD 1000. He rubbed it on my hand before I left and I smelled my hand throughout the car ride home. He also gave me some oily blood-red saffron and some “perspiration from rocks,” which is supposed to be some kind of ayurvedic aphrodesiac. Everyone present knew about this rock sweat but I had never heard of it.

purpose of this blog

This is Lane Rasberry's personal blog. None of the information on this blog is private, but it is personal and I have not written it with the intent to make it of public general interest. Anyone visiting this site has my permission to use anything they find here for friendly, share-alike purposes.