when young to live well, when old to die well
By bluerasberry on 2012-10-16
I am working for Consumer Reports on a project to improve the quality of health articles on Wikipedia. This is part of an educational outreach campaign called Choosing Wisely. There is a large amount of information about Choosing Wisely on the Internet – just lately I realized that hundreds of news sources have been covering […]
Posted in education, health, non-profit, Wikipedia | Tagged Choosing Wisely, conflict of interest
By bluerasberry on 2012-06-02
Wednesday 30 May – Friday 1 June the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) held their summer full group meeting in DC, as they always do. This was the first time I attended the DC meeting. I had planned to attend even when I was in Seattle but then I got this job at Consumer Reports […]
Posted in DC, health, HIV, presentation, research, rights | Tagged conference, HVTN, social media
By bluerasberry on 2012-05-13
Richard Knipel ([[user:Pharos]]) took me to the Museum of Modern Art the night of Friday 11th May. On Wednesday 9 May I was at a conference at Consumer Reports for the Choosing Wisely program, and at this conference I met collaborators in the program and came to understand what the program would mean to them. […]
Posted in art, health, museum, New York City, research, Wikipedia, work | Tagged Brooklyn Bridge, Choosing Wisely, coffee, Consumer Reports, Museum of Modern Art
By bluerasberry on 2012-03-25
Peggy Porter spoke representing the Consortium Biospecimen Resource (CRS), which is a biobank housed at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She said that the organization has good procedures in place to conduct informed consent, collect specimens, and manage the sharing of specimens to researchers, but in her organization and in the industry in general there […]
Posted in biobanks, clinical research, education, health, presentation, research, rights, Seattle | Tagged net generation, social media
By bluerasberry on 2012-03-24
Yesterday Friday 23 March there was an informal meetup for people interested in ethics, biobanking, and modern media in Seattle. It was by invitation. I think most people who attended knew many of the other people in the room, and what I took away from the meeting was that we all share a common problem […]
Posted in biobanks, clinical research, health, presentation, research, Seattle | Tagged biotech, conference
By bluerasberry on 2012-02-16
On Monday 13 February Sharon Terry of Genetic Alliance was in Seattle and gave a talk at the Public Health Cafe. The Public Health Cafe is a community science presenation organized by the UW Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Science. I love it! I had seen Sharon’s YouTube video explaining why she got into the […]
Posted in biobanks, clinical research, education, health, non-profit, Open access, presentation, research, Seattle, Wikipedia | Tagged Genetic Alliance, Jon Izant, Public Health Cafe, Sage Bionetworks, Sharon Terry
By bluerasberry on 2011-06-29
Recently I met a lot of leaders in public and global health. The World Affairs Council is a Seattle non-profit which organizes for leaders from other countries to come to Seattle and give presentations. Global Health Nexus promotes talks about health issues in Seattle. WAC definitely does a lot more events. On June 6 WAC […]
Posted in health, non-profit, presentation, Seattle | Tagged conference, politician, royal
By bluerasberry on 2011-03-11
Last time I was in India I tried to like the kind of food which is currently most popular in Varanasi. This was a mistake – their food is unhealthy and not suitable to my tastes. Furthermore, I do not believe that it is even traditional and assert that despite what locals say, they have […]
Posted in health, India | Tagged food
By bluerasberry on 2011-02-20
I wanted to visit the site of the 1984 Union Carbide disaster. I also wanted to visit whatever major NGO was working with the survivors. This is why we went to Bhopal, the capitol of Madhya Pradesh. I expected that affected people were still living in the area. I also expected that these people had […]
Posted in education, health, India, legal, non-profit | Tagged death, pollution, school, toxic waste
By bluerasberry on 2011-02-14
Nandan and I went to Delhi to attend Chandan’s wife’s wedding. She seems to think of many things relating to Varanasi as having the negative attributes associated with a rural place. The wedding had guns fired into the air as part of the celebration process. I talked with a lot of people there but did […]
Posted in education, health, India, research, tour | Tagged automaton, clinical research, school, vaccine, wedding