By bluerasberry on 2017-10-13
On Saturday 21 October Fabian and I went to Maria Hernandez Park near our place in Bushwick. We go there on nice days to talk and enjoy the park. I have always perceived some class conflict there and we a violent manifestation of it act out on that day. Fabian and I were sitting on […]
Posted in encounter, New York City | Tagged homeless, violence
By bluerasberry on 2017-09-28
Fabian and I left NYC for Seattle in the late afternoon of Wednesday 13 September 2017. I had been telling him about Seattle for so long, and he had never been. My hope for the visit was that I could show him what the city meant to me, and how what I did in places around […]
Posted in personal, Seattle, tour | Tagged coffee
By bluerasberry on 2017-07-18
When X-Day happened on July 5 1998 I was living in Dallas, which was a holy city for the Church of the SubGenius. Leading up to X-Day various evangelists had graffiti’d the face of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs on everything, everywhere around. I acquired some religious pamphlets and took to the faith. I have been a […]
Posted in Seattle | Tagged coffee, SubGenius
By bluerasberry on 2017-07-02
Wiki NYC had a board meeting yesterday Saturday 1 July 2017 from 10-6pm at Ace Hotel on 28th Street. I am writing to describe the mood and focus of it. The significance of this meeting is that it is the first board reflection on our first year after having a significant budget, and looking forward […]
Posted in Consumer Reports, New York City, Wikipedia | Tagged non-profit organization, Wiki NYC, Wikimedia chapter
By bluerasberry on 2017-06-15
I started working for Consumer Reports in 2012 and just passed my five-year anniversary as their staff Wikipedia editor. I see five years as a milestone and I started thinking about how I came to be where I am. I care about the concept called “open content” or “free culture“. I would say that modern […]
Posted in personal, Seattle, Texas, Varanasi, Wikipedia | Tagged free culture, open content
By bluerasberry on 2017-05-10
When I first moved to New York in 2012 I lived in uptown Manhattan with a housemate whom I liked a lot. It was a great situation for me. She was a long time New Yorker, we both worked in publishing, she was a great conversationalist, we often ate together, and in general was whatever […]
Posted in gay stuff, New York City, presentation | Tagged library, politics, Snowden
By bluerasberry on 2017-04-28
I talk with all sorts of people about Wikipedia. A recurring criticism from people outside the Wikipedia community is that the effective way to produce useful writing is by getting it from professionals and experts in the relevant field. Since Wikipedia accepts content and suggestions from anyone, critics say that Wikipedia must have lower quality […]
Posted in New York City, research, Wikipedia | Tagged police, pop culture, violence
By bluerasberry on 2017-02-18
I started following Wikipedia community organization from 2012. At that time a trend was beginning to talk about addressing online harassment, especially harassment of women by men, but at the time each instance of the problem was imagined as an independent anomaly rather than a systemic problem. By that I mean that big online communities […]
Posted in legal, non-profit, Wikipedia | Tagged harassment
By bluerasberry on 2017-01-07
The Year of Science was a 2016 Wikipedia outreach campaign managed by the Wiki Education Foundation with funding support from the Simons Foundation. The campaign had several goals, including developing science articles on Wikipedia, recruiting scientists as volunteer Wikipedia editors, promoting discussions about the culture and impact of Wikipedia in the scientific community, and integrating […]
Posted in New York City, Wikipedia | Tagged science, Simons Foundation