I have been reading about ruby on rails and other “web application frameworks.” This is all new to me. What I want is some way to be able to incorporate more features into my websites without having to scavenge code so often. For example, it cannot be so difficult to come up with some framework to put my own blog on my own website, without referring to someone else’s page. WordPress is okay but this site is not completely under my control. They are at least in the url.
Other things that I would like to be able to do is host surveys, tutorials, and tests on-site. At this point I would prefer to do what I have to not to redirect to any site doing these things. I have made tests in the past which collected answers and then graded the whole at the end, but I do not know how to set up a database to track particular test-takers or save their results. I could always just have the results emailed to me. That is okay, I guess, but eventually I do not want to have to keep track of this manually.
I think some framework like ruby on rails will eventually solve these kinds of problems by providing the means to put all kinds of web apps in template form in the hands of users. Right now, it looks like it is too complicated for me. I don’t have time for this.
I barely find templates for css that I like. I wish when people made templates they would make variations of the same thing, like have a three column front page but two and one column variants. Also I am rather helpless to change things. I just cannot be bothered to condense the code, but I wish the css was written to include all menus. There should be multiple css scripts whenever anyone offers templates so that people can have single menus on the css or no menu there and have it only on in the html, in case someone wants to just have a single page with the menu.
Maybe the system in place works for web designers but it is not good for me as an outsider.